
Industries & Tourism

Rural Sri Lanka is still largely based on an agricultural economy. Tourist activities in rural villages include riding in bullock carts, touring farms, attending village fairs and farmers’ markets, taking part in crop harvesting or attending educational programs about the agricultural way of life. A number of opportunities to volunteer or stay at Sri Lankan farms are available. We EuroLanka Holidays connect tourists with host families in Sri Lanka where they can learn about host farms, handicrafts, fisheries, tea plantation, pottery & gemstone mining around the country.

Sri Lanka is a predominantly rural country, with over fourteen thousand Gramasewa Wasams Village headman divisions or and less than four million of its population considered urbanized. Recognizing Sri Lanka’s opportunity to provide rural travel experiences to local and international tourists, the tour industry & service providers of Sri Lanka have chosen few specific villages across the country to serve as destinations for its Explore Rural Sri Lanka Packages. While these destinations are more easily accessible and have a more fully developed tourist infrastructure, there are also thousands of other villages throughout rural Sri Lanka to explore.